2020 Gingerbread Contest

Gingerbread Contest Rules & Guidelines ~ 2020
The Chaffee Art Center is excited to announce the return of the Gingerbread Contest! Interested bakers, schools, organizations, businesses, families, individuals and young people are invited to submit their imaginative gingerbread creations. All entrants will receive an Ann Clark Ltd. 2-piece Gingerbread person set. Entries do not have to pre-register but are appreciated. All entries must be delivered to the Chaffee Art Center on either December 2nd or 3rd between the hours of 11am and 4pm. The gingerbread creations will be on display in our historic 1890’s mansion from the Gingerbread Showcase Reception & Tree Lighting on December 5th from Noon to 2pm until the close of the Annual Holiday Exhibit on January 8th. Awards in a variety of categories for People’s Choice will be given! Complete details and entry form can be found at www.chaffeeartcenter.org, 802-775-0356. Happy Baking!
- Registration is not required … but is appreciated.
- Must be made from Gingerbread. NO KITS PERMITTED.
- Base size 14×14. Designs may be 2D or 3D.
- Open to all ages, individuals, and groups.
- Awards will be announced in a variety of categories for People’s Choice.
- Entries major components must be made of gingerbread. The rest of the display can be constructed and decorated with edible material.
- Internal structural support for large gingerbread entries do not have to be edible as long as it is not visible from any angle.
- Royal icing strongly recommended. Please remember when choosing your edible materials, that the creations will be on display at room temperature for weeks.
- All structures should be attached to a sturdy base (plywood) enabling it to be free standing.
- All entries must be delivered on either December 2nd or 3rd between the hours of 11am and 4pm. Please attach a copy of the entry form to your structure.
- Delivery location is the Chaffee Art Center at 16 South Main Street in Rutland, Vermont.
- All gingerbread creations will be on display from the Gingerbread Showcase Reception & Tree Lighting on December 5th from Noon to 2pm, until January 8, 2021, unless requested to be earlier.
- Entries can be picked up on Saturday, January 9th between 10am and 2pm. Entries not picked up by 2pm on January 9th will be discarded.
- The Chaffee Art Center reserves the right to not display an entry considered to be inappropriate or not showing quality, and to take out a display that is showing signs of deterioration.
- The Chaffee Art Center and staff/volunteers cannot be held responsible for any damages incurred to the displays while on the Chaffee Art Center’s property.
Royal Icing Recipe (Makes about 2-½ cups)
Mix Together:
- 1 lb. powdered sugar
- 3 tbsp. meringue powder
- 1/2 tsp. cream of tartar
- 3-1/2 oz. of water (slightly less than 1/2 cup)
Beat until icing forms stiff peaks & will hold a sharp line when knife is drawn through. Keep covered with a damp cloth to keep icing from drying out.
Work with a small amount of icing at a time. Store unused icing in a tightly closed container.
*Note: Meringue powder can be found at cake decorating or craft stores. Do not use icing recipes containing egg, butter or milk.