Music and Brain Development

Did you know that “scans of musicians’ brains taken while they’re playing show increased activity in the corpus callosum, the bridge between the left and right hemispheres? This coordinated cognitive activity sends messages across your gray matter, lighting up circuitry linked to emotional regulation and executive function.” — excerpt taken from Anita Collins’ The Music Advantage
Parents ask me all the time if their child is practicing enough. The thing is — any ANY ANY time spent learning to read and play music is time spent exercising your entire brain — new paths being cut, which at first can be strange and challenging. But the more time you spend, the more time you will want to spend as you feel the fluidity forming between your brain’s hemispheres. This work feeds and informs all other engagement, socially and emotionally, as you explore these new communications in your own brain! It’s our job to keep you and your children interested and engaged as long as it takes for them to take the reins themselves. Patience with yourself is the only prerequisite. We can help with that, too.