Mural unveiling, Rutland City Hall October 29

‘Beginner’s Mind’: A mural project for Rutland City
Beginner’s Mind was officially unveiled Saturday, Oct. 29. Check out the video produced by PegTV!
Rutland, VT – Join us on Saturday, October 29th at 2pm for the unveiling of a new mural, ‘Beginner’s Mind,’ by Muralist Lopi LaRoe (aka LMNOPI). The new mural is on the Rutland City Hall building facing Strongs Avenue in Downtown Rutland. The theme promotes reading and books as a gateway to imagination and adventure especially in our technologically saturated world.
The project is a collaboration between the Chaffee Art Center and mural artist Lopi LaRoe (aka LMNOPI) to bring inspiration to our community by adding more powerful public art. “Thanks to community support, we raised a third of the total project cost which, along with the Better Places Grant’s 2:1 match, brought this inspiring and vibrant mural to the community.” said Sherri Birkheimer Rooker, Executive Director of the Chaffee Art Center.
“I’m honored & grateful to have my art grace Rutland’s City Hall. The subject of the portrait is a 9 year old girl who lives in West Rutland with her family. I wanted to celebrate the optimism of youth along with the fantastic world of books and geometry. My aim is always to have a positive impact on people when they witness the work and to inspire a pause in their day; an opportunity to reconnect with their own inner child and feel hope for the future. I was looking for content that could easily unify our community and who doesn’t love to see a happy kid surrounded by a flock of flying books.” said Lopi LaRoe, local muralist.
The campaign is sponsored by the Vermont Department of Housing and Community Development’s Better Places program and is led by the Chaffee Art Center. For more information contact Chaffee Art Center 802-775-0356, [email protected],
About Better Places
Better Places is a community matching grant program empowering Vermonters to create inclusive and vibrant public places serving Vermont’s designated downtowns, village centers, new town centers, or neighborhood development areas. The program is led by the Vermont Department of Housing and Community Development in partnership with the Vermont Department of Health, the Vermont Community Foundation, and Patronicity, our crowdfunding experts. The program supports community-led projects that create, revitalize, or activate community gathering areas that bring people together to build welcoming and thriving places across Vermont.