Featured Artist: Beejay Jeromin

Featured Artist: Beejay Jeromin

By Janelle Faignant The irony is that Beejay Jeromin has always been a color person, even though she grew up in a dark room. “My dad was a professional newspaper photographer,” she said in a recent phone conversation, “so I have always loved photography.” She’s 

Chaffee Featured Artist: Donna Ciobanu

Chaffee Featured Artist: Donna Ciobanu

By Janelle Faignant The light changed when Donna Ciobanu moved across the country from the west coast to the east, but it found its way into her paintings. Eight years ago she and her husband moved from California to Vermont after their kids had grown 

Chaffee Featured Artist:  Helen Dillon

Chaffee Featured Artist: Helen Dillon

by Janelle Faignant In an Instagram post a tractor attachment is buried in a snowdrift near a red barn on a sunny, blue sky winter day, painted in colors that somehow capture the cold winter air and the warmth of the sun. It’s by artist 

Featured Artist: Gerry Wilkins

Featured Artist: Gerry Wilkins

“I walk in the woods a lot, that’s where I get a lot of my inspiration,” Gerry Wilkins said by phone recently. She is the Chaffee’s Artist of the Month, and acrylic on canvas is her medium. All her work is original, one of a