Call for Applications: Artist Development Grant

with New! Flood Relief Funding
With the recent flood disaster in Vermont and due to the generosity of an anonymous donor, the Vermont Arts Council is pleased to be able to offer new flood relief funding as a part of our Artist Development Grant program.
Artist Development Grants support artists at all stages of their careers. Grants can fund activities that enhance mastery of an artist’s craft or skills or that increase the viability of an artist’s business. Funding may also support aspects of the creation of new work when the activity allows the grantee to accept a rare and important opportunity.
New Flood Relief Funding: If recent flooding has significantly and adversely affected your ability to produce, perform, and/or market your work and created a need for immediate relief funds and/or assistance, please see below for eligible expenses. The maximum grant award for flood relief is $3,000
Artists may apply for both Artist Development Grant and Flood Relief funding using separate applications for each.
Grant Amounts
For Artist Development Grants, you may apply for any amount up to $2,000, and for flood relief, you may apply for any amount up to $3,000. We strongly encourage applicants to apply for the LEAST amount of funding necessary for their request. Money is limited, and we want to be able to support as many artists as possible. While we will do all that we can to fully fund as many projects as possible, some proposals may be partially funded. Grant amounts are dependent upon federal, state, and private funding and are subject to change.
Eligible expenses for such activities include, but are not limited to:
• advanced study of technique or practice with a mentor
• attending a professional conference to build business or artistic skills or knowledge
• contracting professional services including photographic documentation of work, contract preparation or business incorporation, creation of accounting systems, developing e-commerce on a website, creation of marketing materials, etc.
• marketing, planning, purchasing some materials, or renting studio space (outside of your home) to create new exhibitions or performances
• travel within the United States
• New! Flood relief for:
• Damaged tools, materials, and/or equipment related to your art practice or artistic business
• Lost revenue due to canceled shows, events, exhibitions, road closures, or vehicle damage
• Damage to studio space requiring repair
Application Deadlines
Sept. 26, 2023 and Jan. 30, 2024 at 1 p.m.
Flood Relief Deadlines and Notification
Application deadline is rolling until available funds are exhausted. Award notifications will be made as quickly as possible within three weeks of submission.
For questions, please contact grant manager Dominique Gustin at [email protected] or 802-402-4602.